“Motivation is the portal to engagement”

According to this quote Elizabeth Barkley (2010, p. 15) student motivation is the key to their engagement. But what contributes to their motivation?  Barley proposes that it is the product (not the sum) of how much they value the task and how much the student expects to succeed.  So as instructors, identifying whether students perceive value in the course, its activities and assignments as well as ensuring that they expect that they can succeed is the entry point to engaged learning.

Barkley’s book Student Engagement Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty is an excellent resource for instructors who are looking for a multitude of ways to engage students in their classrooms. This resource also translated many of the activities to the on-line environment.  I would encourage you to check it out!

[Reference: Barkley, E. F. (2010). Student engagement techniques: A handbook for college faculty.  Jossey-Bass: San Francisco.]


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