“Faculty Focus”: A great resource for higher education

Recently I discovered an excellent resource from Magna Publications, called Faculty Focus: Higher Ed Teaching Strategies by Magna Publications.  There are excellent resources on a wide range of topics:


Check out Faculty Focus website at:  https://www.facultyfocus.com/ or on


Using video as an ‘exit ticket’ to promote engagement

There is no escaping the many ways that technology has entered the classroom. In a recent discussion with some teaching colleagues, the majority have accepted that students have a powerful tool at their fingertips and as educators this tool can have many applications in the classroom. The following link to a blog post by Victotia Ingalls (2019) is a great illustration of this. By posing a problem to have the class solve in groups and then post a quick video to a shared Google drive, the instructor not only promotes active and collaborative learning but also receives formative assessment regarding comprehension of the problem.  Ingalls does indicate that there are a few that might be encountered such as ensuring that the chosen video app is available on both iOs and Android operating systems and sluggish wifi. Overall though, definitely a strategy worth trying.

A video-based exit ticket sparks engagement [blog post link]

Ingalls, V. (March 6, 2019). A video-based exit ticket sparks engagement. [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-with-technology-articles/a-video-based-exit-ticket-sparks-engagement/?st=FFdaily;s=FF190306;utm_term=FF190306&utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=A+Video-based+Exit+Ticket+Sparks+Engagement&utm_campaign=FF190306


When you planned your class, did you remember your introverted students?

According to best selling author Susan Cain, approximated one third to one half of all people are introverts.  What does this mean in the classroom and in the workplace?

Check out my podcast A Reflection on Introverts as Leaders (podcast)   as well as this excellent Tedtalk by Susan Cain

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