“Faculty Focus”: A great resource for higher education

Recently I discovered an excellent resource from Magna Publications, called Faculty Focus: Higher Ed Teaching Strategies by Magna Publications.  There are excellent resources on a wide range of topics:


Check out Faculty Focus website at:  https://www.facultyfocus.com/ or on


Using video as an ‘exit ticket’ to promote engagement

There is no escaping the many ways that technology has entered the classroom. In a recent discussion with some teaching colleagues, the majority have accepted that students have a powerful tool at their fingertips and as educators this tool can have many applications in the classroom. The following link to a blog post by Victotia Ingalls (2019) is a great illustration of this. By posing a problem to have the class solve in groups and then post a quick video to a shared Google drive, the instructor not only promotes active and collaborative learning but also receives formative assessment regarding comprehension of the problem.  Ingalls does indicate that there are a few that might be encountered such as ensuring that the chosen video app is available on both iOs and Android operating systems and sluggish wifi. Overall though, definitely a strategy worth trying.

A video-based exit ticket sparks engagement [blog post link]

Ingalls, V. (March 6, 2019). A video-based exit ticket sparks engagement. [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-with-technology-articles/a-video-based-exit-ticket-sparks-engagement/?st=FFdaily;s=FF190306;utm_term=FF190306&utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=A+Video-based+Exit+Ticket+Sparks+Engagement&utm_campaign=FF190306